
Monday, September 27, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

6 months

I'm trying to remember how Isabelle looked at 6 months old. My kids are almost's scary. Two mini Stevie's we have produced, ha! They are such beautiful children in my eyes I wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe if I could have one of them look more like me, but I guess that is not an option. I've tried twice and failed at it both times. Nicholas did look like momma when he was born, but I guess he decided he rather look like his daddy. So, first picture is Isabelle at 6 months and then it's Nicholas. What ya think?

ISABELLE in the same outfit :

Friday, September 17, 2010

Spirit Day At Little School

She got plenty of compliments on her outfit even if Daddy didn't approve! ha!

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Naptime

If only they could just take a nap when you ask :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All the kiddos

The Kids Playing

I feel so lucky to have the camera and sorta creativity to capture these moments. Can't live without my camera!!! Praying it lasts me at least a couple of years..b/c they surely are not cheap!

Monday, September 6, 2010

While Isabelle is away....

Poor brother finally plays in peace!

Isabelle's First Day at The Little School

My Big Girl ready for her first day! She is so excited.

As Isabelle leaves happy with her teacher. I'm more emotional than she is ;(

Nicholas Baptism

It was a bad beginning to such a great day. Waking up to NO electricity isn't a great start, but I'm so thankful that everyone was still able to make it. He was the only infant getting baptized that Sunday so it made it even more special. St.Joseph baptizes in the middle of the mass. Here are a few pictures.